Daily Archives: February 21, 2011

Seeking hobby, suggestions welcome

You know that question that guidance counselors always pose to figure out what you want to do with your life? “If you had endless amounts of money and could do anything you wanted, what would you do?” My answer was always the same as Peter’s from Office Space, NOTHING.  I don’t have any hobbies really.  I took a cake decorating class once, but only made one cake that needed decoration after the class ended.  I took advantage of my craft store discount to buy endless scrapbooking supplies that sat in a Rubbermaid box for years, collecting dust (along with my parents wedding album that I was going to re-do for their 25th anniversary.They just celebrated their 30th in November.  Oops.).  I tried crocheting but only accomplished half of a scarf that got wider as it went along.  There are countless more examples of incomplete craft projects that I didn’t bring across the country with me.  Clearly, I am not meant to be crafty.  However, I need something to do until my new job starts.  I am going bat shit insane stir crazy!  It only took me three days to watch the entire first seasons of both Doctor Who and Dexter (both excellent shows, I highly recommend them.).

Don’t get me wrong, the first week of not having to go anywhere or do anything was glorious.  I read by the pool, soaking up the sun.   I went for a walk around the neighborhood.  I went driving through Tempe in an effort to find may way around the city. I cooked several delicious meals.  It was great!  Now, I’m growing restless and I need something else to do with my time.  The problem is this, I’ve looked into taking some yoga classes and things of that nature, do not have an extra arm and leg laying about to pay for such things.  So, I need suggestions for a project or activity that is inexpensive but will give me something to do.  I love the Doctor and all but I’m starting to think that things that happened in the shows I’ve been watching are actually happening to me.  So, Billy if you see me trying to open the door to the exercise room with a “sonic screwdriver”-smack me!

Leave me a comment if you have anything in mind!